Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the wait is excruciating

Until then let's all enjoy one of my favorite rides of all time.  This baby is 29er history - it was Wes' personal machine for a time.  Probably should have gotten a Willits when I went for the Wolf??

Titanium with partial paint. Truss fork. Brooks saddle and shellac'd bar tape to match.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I found this hotness via the internets.  I wish it belonged to me... it's okay to covet another mans bike right?

 Except for the XTR cranks and derailleurs that seem outta place - needs something vintage.  And a Brooks saddle!  Might as well go with gum hoods as long as were quibbling!!

Cranks are on the way!

I finally got so tired of looking for cranks, that I played pin the tail on the donkey, stuck my figure on the screen when blind folded, and bought some random cranks off Ebay.  I hope they fit??  Pics to come as soon as they arrive.  Until then... think light and european!