Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Ride report

Sort of...

I was able to get the monster running enough to go up and down the block a few times.  One speed. No brakes, so I had to be careful. Things will change slightly as I get it finished.  Still trying to acquire the crank and then I will get the gears going and brakes setup.

The early review says I need a bit longer stem to get the bars a tad higher.  It is heavy and I will need to get used to the weight!  I knew it would be, but I was hoping for the low t mid 20's - may not make that mark.

I decided to go with the black Brooks and black bar tape with everything else in silver.  Know I need some stickers for the downtube.  Any suggestions on a name?  Needs to start with R...

Let me know what you got!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wheels in the house!

Wheels are looking good!  Much thanks to Chris and Jonathan at Lee's in downtown Tulsa.  Sexy silver polished hubs and Salsa Delgados.  I am planning to try tubeless with this setup.  We shall see what happens!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sneak peek

I want to share my first Monstercross mockup with you.  I know it will look a bit different, but this will be the bones of my build.

I have been so busy that I haven't made much progress - sorry for the delay.  I know my 1 follower is dying to know what I am up to!  The wheels are at Lee's Bicycles getting built.  I am trying to make some decisions on final parts.  I had a stash ready for another frame, but this was frame was like a trip to Fiji - you don't turn down the opportunity.  So I need to figure out cranks and a derailleur.  Any input??

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And the journey begins

I received a large brown box and it birthed this beast!   A throwback to the cruisers of the past.  My first bike was a Schwinn with a nice curved TT!  I am ready to get this build started.  I expect a geared dropout from Paragon Machine Works any day.  

Some may say it's not a true monstercross based on the mtb type geometry.  I say to each his own.  Monsters run the gamut, but you know one when you see it.  This particular monster will be runnin 9 speeds, discs, and hopefully a truss fork.  Build list will be coming soon when I nail down a few details.  Till then you better keep the lights on...

Monday, March 7, 2011

First Edition

Here we go...

I've been coveting the bikes of my neighbors for some time -

Well  maybe not that long, but it hit me one day that dropbars, while in the drops, are a more natural position for my hands.  At least when I am not in a full aero road position.  That's the theory anyway.  They call it Monstercross - drop bars and 700c wheels with larger than CX tires but not quite 29ers.

So..."I need a Monster to love!"  Maybe something like this:

I set out to rectify the situation.  I acquired a frame with curves and plenty o tubes on the ebays.  It is in transit with the man in Brown and I collected a pile of parts that are waiting not so patiently in the corner.  Soon the cauldron will boil and my new creation will be born!!  More details and pics to follow...