Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Ride report

Sort of...

I was able to get the monster running enough to go up and down the block a few times.  One speed. No brakes, so I had to be careful. Things will change slightly as I get it finished.  Still trying to acquire the crank and then I will get the gears going and brakes setup.

The early review says I need a bit longer stem to get the bars a tad higher.  It is heavy and I will need to get used to the weight!  I knew it would be, but I was hoping for the low t mid 20's - may not make that mark.

I decided to go with the black Brooks and black bar tape with everything else in silver.  Know I need some stickers for the downtube.  Any suggestions on a name?  Needs to start with R...

Let me know what you got!


  1. Rodan,lit.,"giant monster of the sky". It's a monster from a Japanese monster movie made in 1956.
    Seems fitting.
    BTW, what is your background on the page?

  2. vintage japanese Godzilla poster

  3. Can't wait to see the monster in person Friday!
